The popular TV show "The Vampire Diaries" had its fair share of complex storylines and unexpected twists. Contrary to what many believe, it wasn't just a typical teen drama. The show's writers put a lot of effort into creating a dynamic narrative that kept viewers on their toes.
One aspect that fans were eagerly waiting for was the romance between Damon and Elena. The writers initially struggled with keeping Damon as the "bad guy" but eventually crafted a fascinating character arc for him. They also faced resistance in keeping Damon and Elena apart, which is why it took so long for them to have their first kiss.
The long-awaited Delena kiss finally happened in season six, in an episode titled "Do You Remember The First Time?" Elena had just erased her memories of Damon to cope with his death, but throughout the episode, he tries to jog her memory. He takes her to a place where they had shared a special moment during a meteor shower. The memory of that night in the rain resurfaces, and Damon decides to let her go. However, that moment was everything fans had wanted since season one when Damon first fell in love with Elena.
The rain kiss was like a special tribute to the fans who had shipped Delena from the beginning. It was a nod to their unwavering support and loyalty. Executive producer Julie Plec wanted to honor their requests and create a memorable scene that captured the essence of their relationship.