"Game of Thrones," HBO's adaptation of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire," captivated the world with its intricate storytelling and epic scale. Among the standout performances was Rory McCann's portrayal of Sandor Clegane, known as the Hound, whose fearsome presence loomed large from his first appearance in the pilot episode. His journey from a menacing brute to a character of incredible depth and transformation remains one of the show's most compelling arcs.
However, McCann's road to Westeros was nearly cut short by a harrowing incident years before he would don Clegane's armor.
Solo climbing a rock face, McCann fell over 70 feet, resulting in severe injuries that could have ended his career before it even began. He described the fall as a wake-up call, humorously noting his tendency to end up in plaster due to his daring hobbies. This brush with death did not deter him; it only seemed to push him further in his pursuits.
While filming the show, McCann continued to face physical challenges, especially during the seventh season. An intense sequence beyond the Wall required him to carry a man on his shoulder across icy terrains, replicating the harsh conditions his character endured.
Despite the divisive final season, McCann's contribution to "Game of Thrones" helped cement its legacy as a television phenomenon. His journey from a near-fatal fall to starring in one of the most successful series illustrates the resilience and tenacity that defined both the actor and the character he played.