In a heartwarming twist, actor Adam Huss, who plays Nikolas Cassadine on the show "General Hospital," revealed how he prepared for his reunion scenes with his on-screen son, Spencer, portrayed by Nicholas Chavez. Taking a cue from Tyler Christopher's portrayal of Nikolas and the adorable chemistry between the character and Spencer, played by Nicholas Betchel, Huss studied old scenes to understand how to endear fans to this new incarnation of Nikolas.
Huss expressed that Nikolas's desire to reconnect with his son is sincere and genuine, and he would do whatever it takes to achieve that connection.ADVERTISEMENT
The storyline took an enchanting turn when Nikolas finally met his other son, baby Ace. The moment was magical and heart-melting, with Nikolas in tears over the beauty of his child.ADVERTISEMENT
Meanwhile, a major falling out is expected between Spencer and Esme when she discovers that Nikolas has taken Ace. Esme, a devoted mother, will stop at nothing to find her son. Spencer suspects that Esme may have secrets from her past, leading him to reconsider his plans with his girlfriend, Trina. In the end, Spencer might join forces with Esme to search for Ace. This twist will put the Cassadine family against each other, with Ace caught in the middle.
Stay tuned to "General Hospital" for more updates on this riveting storyline. Let us know your thoughts on what Esme will do when she learns Ace is missing.