Matthew Gray Gubler recently made a return to Instagram to give fans a sneak peek at his upcoming project. The Criminal Minds alum is preparing for the release of his new children's book, The Little Kid With the Big Green Hand. In the photo, he is seen enjoying a meal with his mother Marilyn, dressed up as a witch. Although it is unclear if he is already embracing Halloween, he took the opportunity to send a heartfelt message to his followers, wishing them a wonderful summer.
Fans were thrilled to see Matthew posting again, as he rarely shares updates about his life online. They expressed their excitement and begged him to post more.
Fans can expect to see more of Matthew in the near future, as his book is set to be released on September 26. Given the success of his previous book, Rumple Buttercup: A Story of Bananas, Belonging and Being Yourself, it is likely that he will be actively promoting his new work. Additionally, with Halloween approaching, fans may also get an annual Gublerween video from him, as he is known for celebrating his favorite holiday in style.