Shemar Moore, the beloved actor who previously starred in the popular TV show Criminal Minds, is set to make his return in the upcoming season 13. A teaser for the new season was recently released, which has left fans eager for Moore's comeback. Moore played the character Derek Morgan for 11 seasons before leaving the show in 2016. He is now set to reprise his role in a guest appearance, much to the excitement of fans.
The teaser showcases some intense scenes from the new season, hinting at the return of several characters including Moore's Derek Morgan. While the teaser doesn't reveal much about the plot, it does give a glimpse of the emotional intensity and thrilling moments that viewers can expect from Criminal Minds' upcoming season.
Fans have expressed their enthusiasm for Moore's return on social media, with many sharing their excitement and anticipation for the new season. Moore himself has also expressed his gratitude and excitement for being able to return and join his former castmates on set. He has fondly remembered his time on the show and the connection he shared with the fans during his previous stint.
As the release of season 13 approaches, fans are anxiously waiting to see how Moore's character will fit into the current storyline and what kind of impact his return will have on the show. With his charm and talent, Moore's comeback is sure to bring an added level of excitement to Criminal Minds' loyal fanbase.