The cast of The Big Bang Theory was a delightful ensemble that charmed audiences worldwide. Anchored by the quirky duo of Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Leonard (Johnny Galecki), the show featured a stellar supporting cast, including Kaley Cuoco as Penny, Simon Helberg as Howard, and Kunal Nayyar as Raj. Their comedic chemistry and brilliant performances brought to life the endearing yet eccentric characters, making the show a beloved sitcom. Over 12 seasons, the cast's camaraderie and humor transformed them into household names and cemented The Big Bang Theory as a cultural phenomenon.
Back in 2016, Big Bang Theory star Johnny Galecki brutally called out his co-star Kunal Nayyar during the cast appearance on Conan on the TBS show. When the host Conan O'Brien asked the guests, "I've heard that there's something you all agree on apparently that you all feel that Kunal is often wrong." To this, Galecki responded, "He's the most consistently incorrect man I've ever met." He then went on to give an example adding, "If all I ask, Kunal what is our run through this afternoon, two or three, if he says three, I know it's two." He continued, "We were all going to dinner one night, we're meeting somewhere and I called Kaylee, I said, 'Where is this restaurant?', she goes, 'You know where it is', and I said, 'I don't, I've never heard of it before', she said, 'Kunal told it was your favorite restaurant.
During the conversation, O'Brien continued to ask about Nayyar, "But you also say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I'm told you guys were at an awards show and you would just tell us what happened?" To this, Bialik responded, "It was some award show, it was like Jim lost, I lost, the show lost within five minutes and Kunal was like, 'But we're all together, we love each other' and we were all like, 'It's too soon'." Jim Parsons chimed in adding, "He used to always predict our eventual win at all though, 'We're going to win this year'."