Wendell Pierce Shares His Defining 'The Wire' Memory With Michael K. Williams
The Wire, an HBO series that aired its finale in 2008, continues to leave a lasting impact on viewers. The show, which examines various institutions in Baltimore, including the illegal drug trade, the port system, the city government, education, and the news media, is consistently ranked as one of the best series of all time. Wendell Pierce, an actor from The Wire, strives to tell similar stories that explore the timeless struggle and interpersonal relationships between entities that shape America. His upcoming role in the Good Wife spinoff Elsbeth will focus on the relationship between law enforcement and attorneys.
Pierce recently performed in Death of a Salesman on Broadway, and he compares the storytelling in The Wire to that of the Arthur Miller classic. Pierce reflects on specific memorable moments from The Wire and discusses the impact the series has had on its audience. He expresses his desire to work with creator David Simon and co-star Dominic West again in the future, and he appreciates the continued support and admiration from The Wire fans. The Wire is considered a classic that will continue to teach and resonate with viewers for years to come.