That 70s Show, a beloved sitcom known for its quirky characters and memorable catch-phrases, has garnered a dedicated fan base over the years. While the show is filled with comedic moments, it ultimately revolves around relationships. From the friendships formed in Eric Forman's basement to the romantic pairings that develop throughout the series, fans keep coming back for more to see these dynamics play out.
One of the most beloved couples on the show is Kelso and Jackie, portrayed by Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, respectively. The chemistry between the two actors translated into a believable and endearing romance on-screen.
On the other hand, the relationship between Jackie and Fez did not sit well with fans. Many viewed it as a forced pairing, with Fez's treatment of female characters lacking respect and consideration for their feelings. Without any prior romantic chemistry, their relationship left fans confused and disappointed.
Eric and Donna, the quintessential couple of That 70s Show, received overwhelming support from fans. Their differing social statuses and personalities only served to complement each other, making them the glue that held the series together.
The addition of Randy Pearson, portrayed by Josh Meyers, to the series was met with significant backlash from fans. Acting as a substitute for Eric and Kelso after the actors left, Randy's character felt forced and unnatural. When he had a fling with Donna, fans were outraged, as they had hoped for Eric and Donna to remain together.
Kitty and Red Forman, played by Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith, respectively, were seen as the ideal couple. Their opposite personalities, with Red's tough love approach and Kitty's warm nature, added to the family dynamic and helped shape the characters of Eric and Laurie.
Jackie and Hyde, portrayed by Mila Kunis and Danny Masterson, garnered fan support due to the passion and heat in their relationship. Initially despising each other, their unexpected pairing led to personal growth and sacrifices for one another.
Conversely, the forced romance between Hyde and Donna was widely rejected by fans. With Hyde knowing Donna's romantic feelings for Eric, their relationship appeared built on betrayal. Fans felt there was no chemistry between them, even as friends.
While not canon on the show, fan-made couple Jackie and Eric received immense support online.
Kelso and Brooke's relationship was met with rejection due to a lack of trust. Their foundation was built on deception when they had a one-night stand that resulted in pregnancy. Although they eventually made it work, the rocky start made fans skeptical.
Lastly, Fez and Rhonda's relationship was supported by fans due to its heartwarming nature. Fez saw Rhonda's beauty beyond appearance, and their relationship was a refreshing departure from typical beauty standards.
In summary, That 70s Show's romantic pairings have received mixed reactions from fans. While some couples, such as Kelso and Jackie and Eric and Donna, were widely supported, others like Jackie and Fez and Hyde and Donna were rejected. With differing chemistry and dynamics, these relationships played a crucial role in the series' appeal.