In the tumultuous world of "Game of Thrones," the line between justice and vengeance often blurred, as vividly portrayed in the fate of Septa Unella. Portrayed by Hannah Waddingham, Septa Unella's original end was intended to be much darker, reflecting the brutal nature of the show.
In Season 6's action-packed finale, Cersei Lannister exacts her revenge on her formidable enemies, including the religious zealot High Sparrow and the influential Tyrell family, culminating in the explosive destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor. However, it is her personal vengeance on Septa Unella, who had tormented Cersei during her humiliating walk of atonement through King’s Landing, that stands out.
Unella, who hauntingly chanted "Shame" and rang a bell to announce Cersei's disgrace, faces a cruel twist of fate when Cersei captures her. Initially, Cersei subjects Unella to a torturous ordeal involving waterboarding with wine, overseen by the menacing Ser Gregor Clegane, suggesting a slow and agonizing end in the dark cells of the Red Keep.
Waddingham revealed that an even more harrowing fate had been scripted for Unella involving sexual violence at the hands of the Mountain. This was eventually revised, possibly in response to the backlash the series received following the controversial scene involving Sansa Stark’s brutal wedding night in Season 5.
Meanwhile, Hannah Waddingham, post-"Game of Thrones," has seen her career flourish. Waddingham's post-Westoros success story is a testament to her talent, transcending her character’s grim storyline to achieve broader acclaim.