In the wake of the tragic loss of Matthew Perry, the Friends cast initially released a collective statement. However, the actors have now taken to posting their own personal tributes. Courteney Cox, who portrayed Perry's onscreen wife, Monica, penned a heartfelt tribute about her experience working alongside Perry. She also shared a video from the Friends set in 1998.
The clip captures the filming of the Season 4 finale, titled "The One with Ross's Wedding," where it is revealed that Monica and Chandler had a drunken hookup in Chandler's London hotel room. In the actual scene, Monica jokingly asks, "Do you think he knew I was here?" A blooper reveals Cox adding, "OK, your turn," and then she informs the audience, "We're kidding, he told me to say it!" Cox's statement expressed her gratitude for the time she spent with Perry.
Cox then provided context for the scene in the video, explaining that Chandler and Monica were initially intended to have a one-night stand in London. However, due to the audience's reaction, their relationship blossomed into a love story. Before filming the scene, Perry whispered a funny line for Cox to say, a gesture he commonly made as he had a humorous and kind personality.
Following Cox's tribute, Matt LeBlanc, who played Joey, shared photos of himself and Perry as Joey and Chandler.
And I guess you're keeping the 20 bucks you owe me." Since Perry's passing on October 28 at the age of 54, there has been an overwhelming outpouring of grief on the internet.
Tributes have flooded in from various individuals, including the Friends co-creators, the show's director James Burrows, as well as numerous actors and musicians. In memory of Perry, fans can also check out our compilation of Chandler's funniest moments.