Days of our lives is abuzz with thrilling suspense and drama in the upcoming episode on April 24th. Kristen and Stefan team up to ensure that she becomes the next CEO of DiMera Enterprises, facing the challenge of dealing with EJ and his determination to hold onto the position. As they strategize and dig for information, the question arises about who might have killed Li. Could EJ be a potential suspect in their investigation?
On the other side, Ava's quest for the black book continues as she enlists Harris to help her search The Bistro. With Clyde's orders looming over her, Ava is determined to uncover the secrets within the pages.
In another twist, Jada learns from Stephanie that Everett has signed the divorce papers, sending shockwaves through her. And Tripp surprises Wendy with exciting vacation plans, adding a spark of romance to the impending drama that is about to unfold in the lives of these characters.
As the storylines unravel on Days of our Lives, the intrigue deepens, and the characters' relationships are put to the test. With gripping plot twists and unexpected revelations, the upcoming episode promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Tune in to Peacock every weekday to catch all the action in Salem and witness the drama as it unfolds. Don't miss out on the latest updates and daily soap spoilers to stay tuned for the exciting developments in Days of our Lives this week.