Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady, and CBS took a significant gamble with The Big Bang Theory. The series initially encountered difficulties and had to recast the show
The Big Bang Theory came to an end after 12 seasons, mainly due to Jim Parsons' contract expiring. The actor made the decision not to renew or negotiate for an additional season, which ultimately led to the show's conclusion.
Cuoco recalled her reaction to Parsons' revelation in a meeting, stating, "Jim said, 'I don't think I can continue on.'" Cuoco was shocked and didn't fully understand what he meant. She looked at Chuck Lorre, the show's creator, and expressed her disbelief.
Cuoco's frustration with Parsons nearly caused her to skip tapings, and she struggled to make eye contact with him. However, she put these issues aside, and both actors delivered a memorable performance during the finale.
The final table read was an emotionally charged event, even more so than the actual final episode. The show received widespread acclaim for its conclusion, with the table read showcasing several poignant moments. One such moment captured Jim Parsons consoling Kaley Cuoco, who was visibly emotional on that day.
At the end of the table read, Cuoco expressed her satisfaction with the final episode to Chuck Lorre.
In conclusion, The Big Bang Theory took a risk that ultimately paid off. While there were initial obstacles and disagreements, the cast, including Kaley Cuoco and Jim Parsons, were able to overcome them and deliver a satisfying finale.