Simon Helberg, known for his role as Howard on The Big Bang Theory, almost missed out on the show's success. Initially, Helberg was hesitant to audition for the show as he was already working on another series. However, his Hollywood agent advised him to give it a try.
Helberg had previously seen the script for The Big Bang Theory but was skeptical about its future due to a plot restructure. Despite his reservations, he attended the audition at the urging of his agent, who reminded him that Chuck Lorre, the show's creator, was involved.
During the audition, Helberg noticed that Lorre was smiling and laughing throughout, a sign that the creator was impressed. He recalls hearing Lorre's laughter and considers it one of the highlights of his day.
Ultimately, Helberg landed the role of Howard and became an integral part of the show's success for 12 seasons. He is grateful for the opportunity and reflects on his time on the show with gratitude. Helberg's decision to listen to his agent paid off, as playing Howard did not limit his future opportunities in Hollywood. He has since taken on different roles outside of the comedy genre.
In conclusion, Simon Helberg's Hollywood agent played a crucial role in saving his role on The Big Bang Theory. Helberg's initial hesitation was overcome when his agent convinced him to audition, leading to a successful and fulfilling career on the popular sitcom.