"A Monster Calls" is a film released in 2017 that centers around the theme of coping with difficult emotions. The protagonist, a young boy named Conor, is struggling with his mother's terminal illness and the emotional turmoil that comes with it. The titular monster serves as a manifestation of Conor's inner struggles, encouraging him to confront his feelings and find a way to come to terms with his mother's impending death.
The message of the film is that it is okay to feel angry and to express those emotions in a healthy way. The monster tells Conor that sometimes it is necessary to break things in order to release pent-up emotions and find a sense of catharsis.
Overall, "A Monster Calls" offers a poignant and powerful portrayal of grief and the importance of acknowledging and processing difficult emotions. It encourages viewers to confront their own feelings and to find healthy ways to cope with difficult situations.