Brock, a key character in the Pokémon anime, started as a Rock-type Gym Leader with strong Pokémon. He transitioned to become a Pokémon Doctor with a focus on healing, adding Water-type and healing Pokémon to his team, like Comfey, who he got from Nurse Joy. Sudowoodo, initially a Bonsly, grew alongside Brock and became a valuable asset. Geodude, one of Brock's first Pokémon, remained loyal despite mixed battle results. Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Blissey, Crobat, Croagunk, Forretress, and Steelix were also crucial members of Brock's team. Steelix, which can Mega Evolve, became Brock's strongest Pokémon, showcasing its power by defeating opponents easily, making it an invaluable addition to Brock's team.