Dr. Ethan Choi, portrayed by Brian Tee, embarked on a transformative journey after departing from his role as the ED Chief on Chicago Med. In Season 1, Episode 16 ("Disorder"), Choi's encounter with a talking parrot became a pivotal moment that revealed his compassionate nature.
During a ride-along with EMTs, Choi found himself in a cluttered hoarder's home, attending to a man injured in a cooking accident. Amidst the chaos, a surprising twist unfolded as Choi stumbled upon a talking parrot, who warned him not to disturb anything.
As the injured man was transported to the hospital, Choi extended his hand to the parrot, and to his amazement, the bird perched on his finger, forming an instant bond. This touching moment revealed a softer side of Choi, contrasting with the intense hospital environment.
Choi's interaction with the parrot exemplified his capacity for empathy and connection, underscoring the complexities of his character beyond the medical realm. This heartwarming storyline offered viewers a deeper insight into Choi's evolution as he navigated life's challenges with newfound companionship.
Amidst the hospital's demanding environment, Choi's decision to adopt the parrot represented a symbolic shift towards embracing compassion and warmth. This storyline resonated with audiences, showcasing the multifaceted nature of Choi's character and adding depth to his narrative arc within the Chicago Med universe.