It has been over a decade since Good Luck, Charlie premiered on Disney Channel. The show has marked a whole generation's childhood with its comedic yet relevant and enthralling plot. It follows the life of the Duncan family, which consists of four (and eventually five) children, the youngest one being Charlie. When she's born, Teddy, the older sister, decides she wants to make a video diary for Charlie to watch and learn from when she's older, and every chapter starts and ends with Teddy recording whatever new adventure she and the family had.The Good Luck, Charlie cast had a blast shooting the show, and that was largely because they became very close along the way.
While it's common for cast-mates to become friends as a show progresses, it's not always that the actors get along right from the start. That was the case, however, with the Good Luck, Charlie. According to Bridgit Mendler, they immediately liked each other and became close. They even developed little traditions and rituals on set.
"I think even at the very beginning we all clicked and we all enjoy each other's company," she said. "We have a lot of fun on-set traditions, like our dad on the show, Eric Allan Krammer, likes to cook for us and we have dress-up day on Tuesdays, which we haven't been keeping up with recently, but we've had some really good dress-up days."