The Vampire Diaries, based on a series by L.J Smith, became a huge success when it hit TV screens back in 2009. Following the trend of vampire-mania led by the Twilight franchise, The Vampire Diaries quickly captured the hearts of millions of viewers with its supernatural romantic drama. The story revolves around Elena Gilbert, a high school girl caught in a love triangle with two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, in the town of Mystic Falls. The plot thickens as they face off against enemies like Katherine Pierce and the original vampires, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah Mikaelson.
Fast forward to The Originals, the spin-off series focusing on the Mikaelson family dynamics and power struggles in New Orleans. The show delves deeper into mature themes of betrayal, power, and family ties, leaving behind typical teenage romance for a more sophisticated narrative. The show's depiction of New Orleans, rich in history and culture, adds an extra layer of authenticity to the compelling storyline. With the Mikaelsons' motto of "Always and Forever" at its core, The Originals showcases the lasting power of love and family bonds, making it a refreshing take on the vampire genre.