"Criminal Minds" is a popular crime thriller and procedural TV show that aired from 2005 to 2020. The show focuses on the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, which profiles and analyzes dangerous criminals in order to prevent future tragedies. It has inspired other crime dramas and thrillers like "The Mentalist" and "Psych." Now, "Criminal Minds" is getting a reboot on Paramount+ with a new format focusing on one case per season. While waiting for the revival, fans can explore other shows like "Bones," which follows an forensic anthropologist and FBI agent solving murders using clues hidden in bones.
"Castle" offers a lighter take on crime by following a bestselling mystery author who helps solve cases with the NYPD. "The Closer" showcases a strong and complicated female detective cracking tough cases in the LAPD. "Hannibal" takes a unique twist by featuring a suave serial killer and FBI agent forming a twisted bond. Other recommended shows include "Killing Eve," "Leverage," "Luther," "The Mentalist," "Mindhunter," "NCIS," "Numb3rs," "Psych," "Rizzoli & Isles," "White Collar," and "Elementary," all of which offer different perspectives and twists on crime-solving.