In One Piece's Egghead Arc, Luffy's unique awakening power sets him apart from others who possess Zoan-type devil fruits, like Kaku and Lucci. The Straw Hats clash with CP0 on Egghead Island, facing foes like Lucci and Kaku, both Zoan devil fruit users. Lucci's awakened form displays black flames, also seen on the Five Elders. In contrast, Luffy's Gear Fifth has white smoke coils, hinting at his unique abilities. Mythical Zoan users like Luffy have powers resembling Paramecia more than regular Zoans. Luffy's awakening as the "dawnbringer" signifies a new level of power, demonstrated by defeats of powerful foes. Despite triumph over Kaido, challenges lie ahead in the Final Saga, hinting at even greater powers Luffy has yet to unlock. One Piece continues in Manga Plus and Viz Media, showcasing Luffy's journey towards finding the One Piece.