Detective Dante Falconer, portrayed by Dominic Zamprogna, is currently in stable condition after being shot in the line of duty. His family, including his mother Olivia (played by Lisa LoCicero) and his girlfriend Sam (portrayed by Kelly Monaco), anxiously pace the hospital halls, hoping for his recovery.
Meanwhile, the recent buzz surrounding Jason Morgan's return has fans buzzing about his love life. In the past, Jason was romantically involved with Dr. Britt Westbourne, played by Kelly Thiebaud. Although he is unaware of her tragic passing, their relationship held a special place in his heart.ADVERTISEMENT
Fans of the 90s era are divided between 'JaSam' supporters, who root for Jason and Sam's reunion, and 'Liason' fans, who hope for a reconciliation between Liz (played by Rebecca Herbst) and Jason. However, both Sam and Liz are already involved with other men. Sam is by Dante's side, while Liz is in a relationship with Dr. Finn (portrayed by Michael Easton).
In the midst of all this drama, Sonny must break the news to Sam this week. In a shocking twist, Sonny mistakenly believes that Jason was responsible for shooting Dante. How will the truth eventually come to light? Stay tuned for the next episodes of General Hospital to find out.