"Game of Thrones," HBO's towering epic that redefined television storytelling, embarked on its journey with the chilling words, "Winter is Coming," in its premiere on April 17, 2011. This phrase, ominously repeated throughout the series, foreshadowed the bleak trials that would unfold over eight riveting seasons, culminating in the much-debated finale, "The Iron Throne," on May 19, 2019.
Notable recasts included pivotal figures like Ser Gregor Clegane, Tommen Baratheon, and the Night King, each portrayed by multiple actors across different seasons.
The Night King, embodying the existential threat looming over Westeros, served as a central antagonist.
This menacing figure was first brought to life by Richard Brake in standout episodes like "Hardhome," before Vladimir Furdik took over, continuing the portrayal until the character's dramatic end.
Despite the series' end and his character's demise, Brake continued to view "Game of Thrones" with the detachment of a fan, particularly enjoying the Night King's fitting end by Arya Stark—his favorite character.