Jujutsu Kaisen, an action-packed manga, has sparked various fan pairings despite the lack of romantic themes from creator Gege Akutami. Fans enjoy imagining relationships between characters due to strong characterization. The shōnen anime is no stranger to shipping wars. Some popular ships include Kirara x Hakari, Sukuna x Cinderella, Megumi x Hana, Gojo x Utahime, Yuta x Maki, Yuji x Ozawa, Nobara x Maki, Yuki x Choso, Miwa x Kokichi, and the heartbreaking duo of Gojo x Geto. Each ship has unique qualities, from romantic backstories to unexpected chemistry. With wholesome moments and playful banter, fans find these ships engaging. Despite the series' focus on action, fans continue to enjoy exploring romantic possibilities within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.