The final episode of the popular sitcom, Two and a Half Men, saw the return of Charlie Sheen, who had left the show in 2011 under controversial circumstances. The episode, titled "Of Course He's Dead," aired on Thursday and featured a surprise appearance by Sheen in the final moments.
Two and a Half Men was a highly successful sitcom that aired from 2003 to 2015. It focused on the lives of two brothers, Charlie and Alan Harper, and Alan's son, Jake. The show was known for its humor and witty dialogue, and became one of the highest-rated comedies on television during its run.
The departure of Sheen from the show in 2011 caused controversy and led to the introduction of Ashton Kutcher as a new main character. However, the final episode brought back Sheen and gave fans a nostalgic and unexpected ending to the long-running series.