Damon Salvatore, portrayed by Ian Somerhalder in The Vampire Diaries, is renowned for his quick-witted remarks and his rather significant body count as a vampire. As the CW series marked its impressive 100th episode milestone in 2014, Somerhalder reminisced about his favorite scene and reflected on the show's early days.
For Somerhalder, the first season of The Vampire Diaries holds a special place in his heart. He believes the series reached its peak during the initial five episodes of season one. During this time, the show primarily revolved around Mystic Falls, a small town in Virginia, and its residents whose lives took a dramatic turn when the enigmatic vampire, Stefan, enrolled in the local high school.
When asked about his favorite scene from the series, Somerhalder's choice also harks back to the early episodes. He fondly recalls. "My favorite scene was Damon turning Vicki into a vampire and they're dancing all around. It's also never bad having Kayla Ewell in her underwear," Somerhalder believes the beauty of the early episodes was their focus on storytelling, not just on vampires.
During his interview with E! Online, He explained, "This is why I don't think I would be successful in television writing; because for me our show was at its peak in the first five episodes of season one, you saw this budding thing between Damon and Elena, and you had the brother and you had Vicki and Matt, you had all these different components that were just like, wow, this is really the story of this town.
The first season of the show focused on developing the budding relationship between Damon and Elena, the two main characters. The storyline also delved into the relationships between various characters, including the Salvatore brothers, Vicki, Matt, and others. It was a time when the show explored the complexities of the town's residents and the supernatural elements hadn't yet taken center stage.