The Vampire Diaries, a supernatural show that ended over five years ago, still has fans shipping the love story of Damon and Elena. The series finale, titled "I Was Feeling Epic," aired on March 10, 2017, and left viewers teary-eyed. While it revealed details about the couple's future, not everything that was filmed made it into the final episode. However, producers found a clever way to explain one deleted scene by putting Elena in an outfit that spoke volumes.
In the finale, Stefan sacrifices himself to save his brother Damon and everyone else.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, viewers missed seeing Damon ask Elena to marry him. The show's co-creator, Kevin Williamson, explained that the proposal scene was removed because the main point was to show Elena's success as a doctor. The decision was made to simply put her in scrubs to convey that message.
Despite missing that particular moment, fans still consider the ending to be perfect for an excellent show.