The Vampire Diaries, one of the most popular supernatural drama shows of all time, has captivated fans for eight seasons. Even after its conclusion, the franchise continued to thrive through spinoffs, novels, and comic books. One crucial element of the show's mythology is "The Other Side," a supernatural dimension where the spirits of the dead reside. The existence of this dimension was revealed by Vicki in the third season, and it remained a significant aspect of the series for several seasons.
However, in a 2015 panel interview, executive producer Caroline Dries shared the reason behind the decision to destroy "The Other Side." She explained that they wanted death to have meaning in the show, ensuring that characters wouldn't constantly return, robbing the narrative of finality and closure.
Dries had also previously discussed Katherine's journey to a "darker world" in a 2014 interview. She emphasized the importance of delivering finality to death, resisting the temptation to bring characters back from "The Other Side."
While some fans were disappointed by the destruction of "The Other Side," it was a deliberate choice to maintain the show's integrity and prevent a repetitive cycle. The Vampire Diaries aimed to provide a fresh and conclusive experience for viewers, ultimately leaving a lasting impact.