Yu-Gi-Oh! is a nostalgic 90s anime franchise beloved by many. The original series, Duel Monsters, follows high school student Yugi Muto and his friends as they play the iconic card game. The show features powerful monsters, magical artifacts, and intense strategy-based games.
After Duel Monsters, several other series were released under the Yu-Gi-Oh! name, each with its own unique protagonists and summoning mechanics. Some, like GX and 5D's, were well-received for their compelling stories and competent protagonists. However, series like Sevens failed to capture the hearts of fans due to their childish nature and lackluster plots.
The latest series, Go Rush!!, focuses on Rush Duels and has a fantastical story that appeals to both younger and older audiences. In contrast, Vrains attempted to revitalize the franchise but was ultimately short-lived and disappointing for viewers. Despite the mixed reception of the newer series, Duel Monsters remains the unbeatable classic that defines the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.